Info & Forms

Below are useful links to files for new families interested in our pack. We often hand these out in person during recruiting events and are now available for online download and quick reference.

Pack 127 Welcome Packet and Information: Fall2022_WelcometoPack127.pdf

2022-2023 Flyer: Pack 127 School Flyer.pdf

Fall 2022 Scout Shop Flyer: scout-shop-flyer-2022.pdf

Pack 127 Volunteer Sheet Parent Committee Volunteers.pdf

BSA Family Talent Sheet: family-talent-sheet-34362.pdf

BSA Medical Forms: 680-001_AB.pdf

BSA Activity Consent Form: 19-673.pdf

BSA Paper Youth Application (Youth applications process faster online and easier to track): youth-application-524-406.pdf

BSA Paper Adult Application (Adult applications must be paper currently and hand delivered, with appropriate YPT training attached): adult-application-524-501.pdf